beautiful girls in Kiev

Nobody can dispute the beauty of the Russian and Ukrainian girls. And the rate at which Bulgarian guys are marrying them is mind-blowing. For the first quarter of 2021 we had 17 times more enquiries to assist Bulgarian-Russian/Ukrainian couples with their marriage and visa formalities than for the whole yearContinue Reading

Henry VIII

Remember Henry VIII (and his wives) and how he broke with Rome. Well guess what, his spirit is still alive today, or so it seems. Only this time it won’t be Rome, but Brussels that may “excommunicate” the British. More and more reports for hostile treatment of EU citizens onContinue Reading

виза Д - отказ

The number of foreigners who received a visa D rejection under Article 24, paragraph 1, item 18 of the foreigners law remains alarmingly high. Most often these are third-country nationals (non-EU countries) who are married with Bulgarian citizens. Inconveniences, especially during a pandemic situation In order to be able toContinue Reading