EU disabled family member (brother, sister)

Residence permit for “other dependant family member” of an EU citizen More and more often, we have to assist citizens of the European Union who have close relatives in countries from outside the EU. Due to the heavy bureaucracy in the EU, European citizens cannot obtain residence permits for theirContinue Reading

Apostille for Bulgaria

What to do when a country doesn’t issue Apostille Legalization of official documents from abroad is always a challenge. In Bulgaria, as in most other countries, the documents originating from another country need to have an apostille. With that, the documents should be further translated in Bulgaria. Then the signatureContinue Reading

London underground

UK citizens with “Art. 50 residence permit” in Bulgaria At the time when Brexit happened, many Brits were living long-term in Bulgaria. Luckily for them, they got the opportunity to obtain long-term residence permit under the Law on the entry, residence and departure of citizens of the European Union andContinue Reading

деца на еднополови родители

The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court On 01.03.2023, the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court issued a decision, which essentially means that: A child born abroad to a woman (non-Bulgarian citizen) who has a same-sex marriage with another woman (Bulgarian citizen) IS NOT A BULGARIAN CITIZEN. We fully share the court’sContinue Reading

баскетбол Швеция България

Discrimination and reverse discrimination in the EU We have often written about the absurdities of the Bulgarian legislation and the various forms of discrimination. The most unacceptable of which are the cases of reverse discrimination. These are namely when Bulgarian citizens have fewer rights in Bulgaria than citizens of otherContinue Reading

no entry to Bulgaria for UK citizens

Brits may not enter Bulgaria if they have been already in the country for 90 days UK passport holders are already experiencing the consequences of Brexit. In Bulgaria, from the beginning of this year, UK citizens are regarded as “third country” nationals. Their rights of entry and stay in BulgariaContinue Reading

same-sex relationship Bulgaria

Comprehensive study on the acceptance of same-sex relationships Uglobal published very informative article about the worldwide recognition (or the lack of it) of same-sex relationships, when it comes to immigration (residence permit and citizenship). It appears that not all countries apply the same standards, although the European legislation is graduallyContinue Reading

Henry VIII

Remember Henry VIII (and his wives) and how he broke with Rome. Well guess what, his spirit is still alive today, or so it seems. Only this time it won’t be Rome, but Brussels that may “excommunicate” the British. More and more reports for hostile treatment of EU citizens onContinue Reading