EU Blue Card from Bulgaria

Self employed with Bulgarian EU Blue Card, but not quite Getting an EU Blue Card from Bulgaria was the hot ticket for in the past year. Especially after Bulgaria joined Schengen, many foreigners realised that the Bulgarian EU Blue Card now provides full access to the whole EU. Another advantageContinue Reading

Bulgaria full Schengen member

Bulgaria and Romania became full Schengen members on 01.01.2025 Bulgarians are celebrating that there will be no more waiting lines at the border with Greece from 01.01.2025. Previously, this was happening, because of border controls and the summer rush to the Greek beaches. This is something of the past nowContinue Reading

EU disabled family member (brother, sister)

Residence permit for “other dependant family member” of an EU citizen More and more often, we have to assist citizens of the European Union who have close relatives in countries from outside the EU. Due to the heavy bureaucracy in the EU, European citizens cannot obtain residence permits for theirContinue Reading

AI and Bulgarian citizenship & residence permits

Bulgarian visa and even citizenship with the help of AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come into our lives. No doubt about that. And let’s face it – AI is a good thing for all of us. But will AI help foreigners obtain Bulgarian visa, residence permit and even citizenship? Let’sContinue Reading

Implied refusal - Bulgarian visa and citizenship

Implied (silent) refusal – the “kiss of death” or the administration’s revenge Implied refusal is one of the most unfair provisions in the Bulgarian legislation. An implied is when a citizen or a legal entity requests from an administrative authority to issue a certain individual administrative act. Such administrative actContinue Reading

entry ban for overstaying in Bulgaria

Overstaying of your visa or your visa-free term In the good old days, read before Bulgaria joined Schengen, foreigners who were overstaying their visa or visa-free term in Bulgaria, were usually fined with 500 BGN. Many times, especially if the foreigner was not intending to return, these fines were neverContinue Reading

Prolonging visa-free stay for marriage in Bulgaria

Dealing with allowed (visa C or visa-free) stay when marrying in Bulgaria Bulgarian girls are beautiful, but Bulgarian guys seem to be attracting a lot of attention too. During the past 12 months, we receive roughly an equal amount of enquiries by foreign males and females, willing to marry BulgariansContinue Reading

Bulgarian Golden Visa for Chinese citizens

Bulgarian Golden Visa – residence permit and visa-free travel to all Schengen countries To celebrate Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area on 31.03.2024, we are now providing (for limited time): Special conditions for citizens of China & Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. offer valid until Starting fromContinue Reading