non-residence in Bulgaria

Controversial, but definitive decision by the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) The reason for today’s article is, in our opinion, a rather controversial decision of the SAC – No. 8723 of 11.07.2024. With this decision, the Supreme Court implies that according to art. 25, par. 1, p. 11 of the ForeignersContinue Reading

damages for cancelled Bulgarian citizenship

Please click for the original article (in Bulgarian) The Bulgarian Constitution and the Law on Liability of the State and Municipalities for Damages (LLSMD) provide for the liability of the State for damages. These should be caused by unlawful acts, actions or omissions. But can this liability be engaged ifContinue Reading

Bulgarian embassy in USA

Should the Bulgarian embassies reject to accept visa D application if they deem the presented documents not to be in order? Imagine the following situation. Our client, an applicant for Bulgarian visa D, based on Bulgarian origin, is attempting to submit his documents at the Bulgarian embassy in the USA.Continue Reading

Гергана и Акил

Another victory at the Supreme Administrative Court see Gergana’s war files for more information (in Bulgarian) Some time ago we wrote that “the Bulgarian authorities do not understand the difference between a long-term and permanent residence permit, as well as the peculiarities of family members of Bulgarian citizens“. This misinterpretationContinue Reading

доказване на български произход

Bulgarian, Bulgarian citizen or Bulgarian origin. Who is which? How is Bulgarian origin proven? Who are the persons of Bulgarian origin? Proving of Bulgarian origin; is it possible through the court? We will try to answer these two questions today. Before continuing further, we recommend that you reading our articleContinue Reading

деца на еднополови родители

The decision of the Supreme Administrative Court On 01.03.2023, the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court issued a decision, which essentially means that: A child born abroad to a woman (non-Bulgarian citizen) who has a same-sex marriage with another woman (Bulgarian citizen) IS NOT A BULGARIAN CITIZEN. We fully share the court’sContinue Reading

изселване от България

Bulgarian and person of Bulgarian origin – explained Today we will look at an interesting case that shows serious deficiencies in the Bulgarian legal provisions. More specifically, those regarding the definition of the terms “Bulgarian” and “person of Bulgarian origin”. We will analyze the legislation since 1940 until now alongsideContinue Reading

Виза D за България

Citizens of non-EU countries, citizens of EU countries and members of their families. Who needs visa D? This article deals with the legal status of foreigners who are not citizens of EU countries (we emphasize on the conditions for obtaining visa D by a foreigner). EU citizens and their familyContinue Reading