Bulgarian visa - unclean criminal record

Can you obtain Bulgarian visa, residence permit and citizenship if you don’t have clean criminal record? Many potential clients are asking us whether they can obtain Bulgarian visa D if they don’t have clean criminal record. Or whether it is possible to have residence permit and even citizenship if theyContinue Reading

промени в закона за българското гражданство

What will change in the Bulgarian Citizenship Law in 2023-2024? Today, 21.09.2023, the Bulgarian Parliament voted several bills to amend and supplement the Bulgarian Citizenship Law (BCL). The MPs were surprisingly unanimous, which makes us think that the Bulgarian Citizenship Law changes will be adopted at the second reading. ButContinue Reading

Revoked Bulgarian citizenship

Revocation of Bulgarian citizenship after fraudulent marriage Are the Bulgarian laws too severe? Is the Bulgarian penal code fair? Are the conditions for revocation of Bulgarian citizenship too harsh? How easy is for the government to revoke the Bulgarian citizenship of a naturalized foreigner? The answer to these questions isContinue Reading

Виолета Добринова - предварително разрешение за виза Д

Why are Bulgarian consulates and embassies requiring prior permission from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Quite often, foreigners who are already in Bulgaria, are willing to obtain a long-term residence permit. But they are facing a serious hurdle. In order to obtain a residence permit, they must firstContinue Reading

EU visa-free countries changes in 2023

EU may re-introduce visa-regime with certain countries? The EU will most likely re-introduce visa regime with certain countries in the near future. More specifically, the countries in the Western Balkans, which allowed citizens of countries with visa regime with the EU to enter and then try to pass the EUContinue Reading

Временна закрила за украинци

Temporary protection of a foreigner in Bulgaria – advantages or a curse? The Temporary Protection status became especially popular after the start of the war in Ukraine. From February 2022 onwards, thousands of Ukrainian citizens left their homes to seek refuge abroad. A significant number of them chose Bulgaria asContinue Reading

Alexander Dobrinov, Deha Bahcuvan, Hristo Vasilev

Restoring your Bulgarian roots – from Turkish perspective Turks of Bulgarian roots arrived in Turkey in great numbers during the 20th Century. During the times of the Communist regime in Bulgaria, there were many suppressive attacks against minorities and religious organizations. This drove people to flee their homeland while leavingContinue Reading

чл. 19 от Закона за българското гражданство - ЗБГ

The absurdities of the Bulgarian Citizenship Law The notorious Art. 19 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Law author: Alexander Dobrinov Perhaps the most horrible “threat” for every candidate, willing to obtain Bulgarian citizenship, is the resolution of Art. 19 of the Citizenship Law: The application of a person who meets theContinue Reading