AI and Bulgarian citizenship & residence permits

Bulgarian visa and even citizenship with the help of AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come into our lives. No doubt about that. And let’s face it – AI is a good thing for all of us. But will AI help foreigners obtain Bulgarian visa, residence permit and even citizenship? Let’sContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship for special merits

Citizenship for special merits – “investment citizenship” on steroids During the past couple of years, investment citizenship has been harshly criticized by the world powers. The United States and the European Union were among the fiercest critics of all Golden Passport and Golden Visa programs. We can now certainly sayContinue Reading

промени в закона за българското гражданство

What will change in the Bulgarian Citizenship Law in 2023-2024? Today, 21.09.2023, the Bulgarian Parliament voted several bills to amend and supplement the Bulgarian Citizenship Law (BCL). The MPs were surprisingly unanimous, which makes us think that the Bulgarian Citizenship Law changes will be adopted at the second reading. ButContinue Reading

Bulgarian travel passport - 2023

Bulgarian citizenship by investment – still possible in (for the lucky ones) Special conditions until If you have been following the investment citizenship marketplace in the past couple of years, you are probably thinking that it is all over. You may be thinking that after the demise of all EUContinue Reading

Bulgarian investment citizenship - 2023

The time has come. Investors can finally get their long-awaited Bulgarian citizenship by investment. The last couple of years have been a roller-coaster (actually a massacre) for the EU investment citizenship programs. As result, virtually all EU Golden Passport programs were first transformed to Golden Visa and then ultimately, cancelledContinue Reading

Bulgarian investment - permanent residence

Your questions about Bulgarian investment residence answered A lot has changed in the Bulgarian legal framework regarding immigration and citizenship. The Bulgarian citizenship law and the Bulgarian foreigner’s law were both seriously amended in 2021 and 2022. Today, we will shed some light on one very important topic for manyContinue Reading