visa-free Bulgaria prolongation of stay

Important changes – Bulgaria in Schengen This article is written in line with the Council decision of 30.12.2023 about the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen area on 31.03.2024 and the applicable regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European parliament and of the Council. Although for Bulgarian citizens very little willContinue Reading

Филипините, Манила

What happens with the Bulgarian residence permit upon dismissal of the foreigner? More and more non-EU citizens are working in Bulgaria nowadays. But what happens if the Bulgarian employer terminates the labor contract of the foreigner. Or if the foreigner terminates the employment contract himself? To answer this question, weContinue Reading

banned from Schengen

Feedback and refund extortion – how to fight it successfully? How many times you have been threatened with something like: If you don’t refund my money, I will name and shame you on the internet! Well, now you have many more options than before. Please read on to see whatContinue Reading

Екстрадиция от Любимец

In the last months of 2021, we are receiving more and more distressed calls from the main detention centers in Bulgaria – Busmantsi and Ljubimets. All these calls are about illegal foreigners, who have been detained there. Most of the detainees are due for extradition to their home countries. BulgarianContinue Reading

no entry to Bulgaria for UK citizens

Brits may not enter Bulgaria if they have been already in the country for 90 days UK passport holders are already experiencing the consequences of Brexit. In Bulgaria, from the beginning of this year, UK citizens are regarded as “third country” nationals. Their rights of entry and stay in BulgariaContinue Reading

extradition Bulgaria to Nigeria

The European (EU) values – scattered to pieces in Bulgaria Yesterday, 20.09.2021, one Bulgarian family was practically destroyed by the heartless Bulgarian authorities. Empathy is what makes us humans. But we saw no empathy among the institutions involved. What we have experienced yesterday is only to be compared with someContinue Reading