Bulgarian citizenship for special merits

Citizenship for special merits – “investment citizenship” on steroids During the past couple of years, investment citizenship has been harshly criticized by the world powers. The United States and the European Union were among the fiercest critics of all Golden Passport and Golden Visa programs. We can now certainly sayContinue Reading

last train for EU passport and citizenship

Vital assistance to those who failed to obtain EU investment citizenship Many affluent non-EU nationals have tried to obtain EU citizenship by investment in the past years. Unfortunately, many of them have failed. Especially Russian citizens were hit hard, but they are definitely not alone. Cyprus failed The Cypriot CBIContinue Reading

Alexander Dobrinov - EU investment citizenship

RCBI* stands for Residence and Citizenship by Investment In an article by Salman Siddiqui at the prestigious Uglobal platform, Alexander Dobrinov gave his professional opinion on the outlook of the Bulgarian and the EU RCBI legal framework in 2022. Predictability in the Bulgarian legislation The residence and citizenship legislation inContinue Reading

from citizenship to residence - Chameleon transformation

Citizenship – much better than mere residence If you have been following the global citizenship marketplace in the past few years, you have certainly noticed certain shift in terminology. If you know what citizenship or residence by investment is, you should know by now that citizenship by investment has alwaysContinue Reading

sham marriage in Cyprus

Fake marriages from Cyprus are flooding1 Bulgaria from the beginning of 2021 1 foreigners, married with Bulgarian nationals in Cyprus (falsely, only in order to obtain EU resident status), are trying to apply for visa D. The Bulgarian authorities are receiving unprecedented amount of applications for visa D by foreignersContinue Reading

new Bulgarian citizenship law

Bulgaria retains its investment citizenship program and makes it even more attractive for many international investors During the last couple of years, there were many who were thinking that Bulgaria will bend knee and will cancel its investment citizenship program. And indeed, Cyprus did just that at the end ofContinue Reading

Cyprus citizenship game over

Cyprus ends it Citizenship by investment program (CIP) The Cypriot citizenship by investment program was definitely the most well-known EU CIP in the last few years. With Malta’s CIP being just too expensive and the Bulgarian CIP not marketed adequately, Cyprus could attract the highest number of investors willing toContinue Reading