AI and Bulgarian citizenship & residence permits

Bulgarian visa and even citizenship with the help of AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come into our lives. No doubt about that. And let’s face it – AI is a good thing for all of us. But will AI help foreigners obtain Bulgarian visa, residence permit and even citizenship? Let’sContinue Reading

Bulgarian visa - unclean criminal record

Can you obtain Bulgarian visa, residence permit and citizenship if you don’t have clean criminal record? Many potential clients are asking us whether they can obtain Bulgarian visa D if they don’t have clean criminal record. Or whether it is possible to have residence permit and even citizenship if theyContinue Reading

българско гражданство - абсурди на закона

Renunciation of previous citizenship BEFORE obtaining Bulgarian citizenship The problem with the requirement for a candidate for Bulgarian citizenship by ordinary naturalization to renounce his or her previous citizenship reaches new dimensions. More and more clients are seeking our assistance after they have already been approved by the Citizenship CouncilContinue Reading

Interview for Bulgarian citizenship in the embassy

What you should know when you are applying for Bulgarian citizenship by origin from abroad? Today we had yet another client, who has been waiting for her Bulgarian citizenship application to be approved. And so she has been waiting for more than 2 years already. So what is the problemContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship for special merits

Citizenship for special merits – “investment citizenship” on steroids During the past couple of years, investment citizenship has been harshly criticized by the world powers. The United States and the European Union were among the fiercest critics of all Golden Passport and Golden Visa programs. We can now certainly sayContinue Reading