романтични онлайн измами

Scammers from around the world target Bulgarian men for online romance scams Online romance scams (aka dating scams) have been around since the birth of the internet. The so-called bride scams were targeting mostly senior men from Western countries (USA, Western Europe), dreaming of a second (or even third) youthContinue Reading

Ukraine will mobilise its men from the EU

The next military aid from the West to Ukraine may be to send Ukrainian men back home There are uncertain times ahead for Ukrainian men, aged 18 to 60, living in the EU. After the war in Ukraine started, the EU has granted a temporary protection status to virtually allContinue Reading

Временна закрила за украинци

Temporary protection of a foreigner in Bulgaria – advantages or a curse? The Temporary Protection status became especially popular after the start of the war in Ukraine. From February 2022 onwards, thousands of Ukrainian citizens left their homes to seek refuge abroad. A significant number of them chose Bulgaria asContinue Reading

EU Blue Card and temporary protection status

Can a foreigner, who has a temporary protection status in Bulgaria, obtain EU Blue Card? Here is our problem for today: Oleg, a non-EU foreigner, is living in Bulgaria with temporary protection status. This is the legal status that is granted to many Ukrainians and other foreigners, who are tryingContinue Reading

war in Ukraine and getting visa D

Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine’s impact on the immigration to Bulgaria When the covid19 hit the world, many foreigners needed to apply for Bulgarian visa D in a country, different than the country they were citizens of. This was quite logical as these people were living in different countriesContinue Reading

Russian-Ukrainian war 2022

Bulgarian long-term and permanent residence permit – the license to live The conflict between Ukraine and Russia doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. There is one thing in common between Ukrainians and Russians though. They all suffer and seek shelter abroad. They all want to stay away from theContinue Reading

war Russia Ukraine

DAY 9 More and more Ukrainian citizens are contacting us for urgent immigration assistance in Bulgaria Immigration visa, residence permit and humanitarian status as refugee. These are the most urgent issues Ukrainians need to deal with. Translation and legalization of documents Legalization of documents is another issue that Ukrainians areContinue Reading