Dear Friends, Dear Clients,

2019 is about to end, which means it’s time for a yearly analysis. This is the reason to look back and share our most interesting cases. And briefly introduce you with our most important successes.

As legal guardians, the attorneys in our team have achieved many victories. This year, our team has helped many of our clients, especially foreigners. Their only desire was to be with their spouses and/or children in the territory in which they live. This otherwise natural right has proved difficult to defend.  Thanks to the extensive experience of our team of experts, include leading lawyers closely specialized in the field of Migration Law, we have been able to restore life’s justice.

We have brought together spouses forcibly separated from the authorities of our country. The judicial system ruled unlawful refusals to issue a D-type visa.

Thanks to our efforts, illegally staying parents of Bulgarian citizens have obtained a right of legal residence in Bulgaria. Without having to leave our country.

We managed to legalize the stay of illegally staying residents who are spouses of Bulgarian citizens without having to leave our country. We were able to bring together many families!

The achieved results bring us great internal satisfaction. This is because, according to our life philosophy, family is the main value.

Since the foundation of the association up to now, our specialists have been distinguished with great professionalism and skills. They displayed high morals and ethical behavior, fighting for justice. They boldly defended their civic position, whenever necessary.

In the New 2020 year, we can only wish that it does not change and together we reach new professional heights.

Happy holidays from the whole team of “Citizenship & Investments Ltd.”!

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