old Bulgarian passport from the communist time
Old Bulgarian passport, from the early 1990’s

The old Bulgarian passport was good for travel only to the ex-Eastern block countries. Visa-free entry was granted by Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania. The ex-USSR countries were applying the so called “AB” entry visa stamp requirement.

South Africans are desperate to get hold of Bulgarian citizenship and passport

The year is 2020 and many South Africans are trying to find a better place to live. Many of them have realized that the EU citizenship offers the most opportunities. And with its Citizenship by Investment program, Bulgaria is definitely the best choice.

But not only the rich can qualify for Bulgarian citizenship (by investment). There are many Bulgarians who have emigrated to South Africa during the last century. And now these people and their descendants may have citizenship rights in Bulgaria. Surprisingly, not all of them realize that.

In the early 90’s – the Bulgarian passport was virtually worthless

Back in the early 1990’s, many Bulgarians were queuing at the gates of the South African Embassy in Sofia to get visa. Yes, you are reading it correctly – to get South African visa! The old red bulky Bulgarian passport was worth virtually nothing in terms of visa-free travel options. Only few countries allowed Bulgarians to enter freely. Living in Bulgaria, back in the early 90’s, was no joy neither.

Now, the Bulgarian passport is rated among the top of the top in the world

Now, 30 years later, the rules of the game have changed completely. Bulgarians can travel the world around visa-free. On top of that, the Bulgarian passport gives unconditional rights to reside anywhere in the EU. And last, but not least, life in Bulgaria became better. In fact so much better that an unprecedented number of, once much richer citizens of the western countries, are now relocating to Bulgaria.

The value of the Bulgarian citizenship and passport started its rapid rise from around the turn of the century. Back then, the Bulgarian economy picked up significantly and more and more countries started signing visa-free agreements with Bulgaria. But it was really from 2007, the year when Bulgaria joined the EU, when the value of the Bulgarian passport skyrocketed.

And ever since (2007), the Bulgarian passport is at the top of all rankings as one of the best passport in the world.

Bulgarian passport front cover
The new Bulgarian (EU) passport

How can the South Africans obtain Bulgarian citizenship?

Basically, South Africans can obtain Bulgarian citizenship through all available legal routes. Because of the large business community in the country however, as well as the Bulgarian settlers from the last century, the following 2 options are the most frequently utilized:

Bulgarian citizenship by investment for South Africans

South Africans with sufficient net-worth (1 million Euro and more) can apply for Bulgarian citizenship by investment. The procedure takes roughly 18 months and the applicant is awarded with Bulgarian citizenship at the end. The citizenship is not only for life, but is also passed to the applicant’s children and so on. No language test is required nor any residency in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian passport provides unlimited living rights not only in Bulgaria, but in all EU member states as well as some other countries (Switzerland, Norway, etc.). For more information, please visit http://bulgarian-citizenship.org/citizenship-by-investment.

Bulgarian citizenship by origin for citizens of South Africa

South Africa and Bulgaria, so far apart, have so much in common. There are many Bulgarians living in the African country. Most of them have married and have children, who are not Bulgarian citizens. The Bulgarian Constitution however, as well as the Citizenship Law, deem all persons who have one Bulgarian parent to be Bulgarian citizens.

There are also descendants of Bulgarians who have moved to South Africa long before the 1990’s. Many of them have lost their citizenship roots and are now seeking ways to obtain Bulgarian (EU) passport.

Be aware of citizenship scams!

Sergei Mavrodi South Africa
Sergey Mavrodi was quite successful in South Africa with his get rich schemes

EU citizenship is a hard asset. For many in South Africa, getting Bulgarian passport is a dream. And the scammers know that very well. So stay on alert!

We are receiving more and more complaints from clients who have been stung by unscrupulous “citizenship agents” with false promises to “arrange” Bulgarian passport. Don’t go for shiny promises. The most what you will get from these “agents” is a fake passport and a pathway to prison.

How are we helping the South Africans to get Bulgarian citizenship

We are currently processing large number of requests from South African citizens, willing to obtain Bulgarian citizenship. Our lawyers will continue their international travel and will be visiting Cape Town for their annual symposiums. Please check our travel schedule for more information.

If you have any questions about your options to obtain Bulgarian citizenship, please contact us asap.

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