Bulgarian passport for illegal foreigner

Bulgarian citizenship for those who lived in Bulgaria a long, long time ago Is it possible for a foreigner, who has previously had permanent residence permit in Bulgaria, to obtain Bulgarian citizenship? The foreigner’s residence permit, which he previously held, has been revoked long ago. So is it possible forContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship for Armenians

Bulgarian citizenship by origin for Armenians The scheduled annual meeting in Yerevan (Armenia) with our valued friends and clients will be held this year on 17-20 September 2024. This is still a preliminary date, so last minute changes are possible. During the meetings with existing and potential clients, we willContinue Reading

романтични онлайн измами

Scammers from around the world target Bulgarian men for online romance scams Online romance scams (aka dating scams) have been around since the birth of the internet. The so-called bride scams were targeting mostly senior men from Western countries (USA, Western Europe), dreaming of a second (or even third) youthContinue Reading

non-residence in Bulgaria

Controversial, but definitive decision by the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) The reason for today’s article is, in our opinion, a rather controversial decision of the SAC – No. 8723 of 11.07.2024. With this decision, the Supreme Court implies that according to art. 25, par. 1, p. 11 of the ForeignersContinue Reading

Bulgarian passport and the law

The Law on the Bulgarian citizenship – the most important legal act for the non-Bulgarians The laws in Bulgaria are written in Bulgaria. Bulgarian is the only official language and all legal documents in Bulgaria must be presented in Bulgarian only. With the Citizenship Law however, things are somewhat different.Continue Reading

Implied refusal - Bulgarian visa and citizenship

Implied (silent) refusal – the “kiss of death” or the administration’s revenge Implied refusal is one of the most unfair provisions in the Bulgarian legislation. An implied is when a citizen or a legal entity requests from an administrative authority to issue a certain individual administrative act. Such administrative actContinue Reading

entry ban for overstaying in Bulgaria

Overstaying of your visa or your visa-free term In the good old days, read before Bulgaria joined Schengen, foreigners who were overstaying their visa or visa-free term in Bulgaria, were usually fined with 500 BGN. Many times, especially if the foreigner was not intending to return, these fines were neverContinue Reading