Population in Bulgaria - census 2021

Demographic collapse, but residence permits for foreigners become harder and harder to get (and Bulgarian citizenship – almost impossible1) 1 Nothing is impossible with our assistance of course. For more information about the different options to get Bulgarian citizenship, please visit Bulgarian-citizenship.org The 2021 census – shocking numbers According toContinue Reading

divorce in Bulgaria

Today’s question: What will happen with my immigration status in Bulgaria if I divorce? Will I loose my residence card (will it be cancelled)? Will I get deported? Obviously, the answer to the question is of importance to those of you who have obtained Bulgarian residency permit through a marriageContinue Reading

deported from Bulgaria

You are to be deported or you have received an order to leave Bulgaria Your residency rights in Bulgaria have been cancelled? And you have received a ban to return to Bulgaria and the EU? What are your options? What are your legal rights? And do you have any? EverybodyContinue Reading

National Library of Bulgaria in Sofia

Attending university in Bulgaria Bulgaria offers extremely good environment for university education. No wonder that students from around the world are storming each year the universities in Bulgaria. Those who are accepted will be enjoying high class education, and later, international recognition of their diplomas. The legal challenges for non-EUContinue Reading

marriage foreigner Bulgaria

I am married to Bulgarian woman/man or I am planning to get married soon. What are my options in order to obtain residence permit in Bulgaria? Is our marriage legal if concluded outside of Bulgaria? What is the procedure for obtaining legal residence and is my residence permit guaranteed asContinue Reading