Something is happening in Australia and New Zealand
Aussies and Kiwis are both in the top 5 nations, willing to apply for Bulgarian citizenship under the new 2021 program. Why is that? What may be the reason for such huge interest in 2021? The once “British subjects” are now having one of the most powerful passports on earth. And still, what it seems that they really want now is an EU passport.
The traditional candidates for EU citizenship
Traditionally, the powerful passports (as is the Bulgarian one), are mostly targeted by citizens of nations with poor visa-free scores. China, Russia, India – there are many ultra rich citizens in these countries, who would pay a fortune to get hold of EU passport. But the EU passport gives much more than a generous visa-free travel options. Therefore there are also many nationals of countries, with otherwise powerful passports, who also fancy EU citizenship. US citizens for example are applying for Bulgarian citizenship by investment quite aggressively.
During the years, we have seen a clear pattern that surfaced when a country was in distress. When the rioters in Hong Kong took on the streets, our citizenship wing was bombarded with applications for Bulgarian citizenship from HKSAR and BN(O) passport holders. The same happened when Black Lives Matters started in the USA.
Aussies and Kiwis – the new Hong Kongers
Now we see the same pattern from down under. The interest for investment residence and citizenship from Australia and New Zealand is unprecedented. Although citizens of these countries enjoy great visa-free travel opportunities, they seem desperate to get EU passports.
Obviously the right to live in the EU is appealing to everybody. But the amount of application we have seen so far is suggesting something may be very wrong on the other side of the earth.
It’s simple economics… is far too expensive living in Australia…..but even more do in New Zealand!
Maybe true, but the clients for investment citizenship are far from the worries about the living expenses in their countries…