Bulgarian wedding with foreigner

Bulgarian residency and citizenship for a foreigner who is married to a Bulgarian citizen QUESTION: I hold Bulgarian passport and live in Dubai with my husband. I married him (Turkish citizen) seven years ago in Turkey. Our marriage had been registered with Kardjali Municipality of Bulgaria. Do you have consultancy services forContinue Reading

Bulgarian foundation

How can social work help you obtain Bulgarian residence permit Bulgarian foundations have been the preferred choice for companies and individuals who seek capital protection for their assets. Others, who want to perform non-profit activities in Bulgaria, are registering foundations in order to streamline their EU social projects. But the Bulgarian foundation provides anotherContinue Reading

Kiev immigration expo

Posolstvo.eu is participating at the International Emigration Expo 2016 in Kiev where our lecturer spoke on the topics of “Residence permits in Bulgaria and the Citizenship by investment program”. The International conference dedicated to emigration took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kiev on 30-09-2016 and 01-10-2016. It willContinue Reading