The number of Americans applying for Bulgarian visa exceeds the number of Bulgarians who apply for US visas?
This would have been a silly joke only few years ago. Not anymore. The economic boom in Bulgaria has led to many American willing to relocate to the country. We have already written about the huge demand by Americans for Bulgarian citizenship by investment. This was mainly due to the fact that the Bulgarian passport gives them full living rights everywhere in Europe. Now things go one step further…
Americans prefer staying in Bulgaria rather than flying back home
Bulgarian visa-free regime for Americans – up to 3 months

Bulgaria, pretty much like all other EU countries, is applying a generous 3 months visa-free regime for holders of US passports. This means that all Americans can stay in the country for 3 months in each 6-months period. Once the 3 months are over, the US citizen has to leave and may return only after another 3 months have passed. This is perfectly fine for tourists, businessmen, etc.
For others, who want to spend more time in Bulgaria (ie who have Bulgarian girlfriend, serious business intentions or just love Bulgaria too much), the visa-free period is juts not enough. And what happens after the 3 months are over? The US citizen has to leave or face serious consequences – fine and ban to enter Bulgaria and even the other EU countries. Or is there a legal way to stay in Bulgaria?
America in chaos – riots and covid19

The world became a different place to live in, after the covid pandemic started earlier this year. America holds the most horrible cobid19 records – the largest number of total deaths and total infected.
At the same time, the riots that started after the killing of George Floyd, don’t seem to do any good for the country. Some areas of, once glorious USA, resemble more of Iraq and Syria than of America.
As a result, many Americans are reluctant to return to their home country, to put it mildly.
Life in Bulgaria – in stark contrast with the situation in the USA
At the same time, life in Bulgaria is fun. The number of covid19 cases and casualties are among the lowest in the world.
The sea season is starting in Bulgaria and it seems like everyone is enjoying his time.
Americans in Bulgaria
There are many US citizens currently in Bulgaria, who need urgently to arrange legal stay extension. The majority of them have arrived before the covid-19 state of emergency started on March 13th 2020. This means that for them, June 13th (today) is the last day of their legally allowed stay in Bulgaria. For those who have arrived earlier than March 13th, the visa-free allowed stay has already expired.
How to extend your legal stay in Bulgaria (for citizens of USA)
If you are American, locked in Bulgaria, or if you simply don’t want to go back home, you need to take action fast. Failure to extend your legally allowed stay in Bulgaria may have dire consequences – ban to re-enter and huge fine.
There are in general 2 scenarios:
- You have legal ground to stay in Bulgaria beyond the 3-months visa-free term (ie married with Bulgarian citizen), or
- You have no legal ground to extend your stay, other than the current situation with the covid-19.
In both cases, we have legal solution for you. If you want to avoid the risk of violating the immigration rules, we urge you to contact us immediately. If you are reading this article, you have most probably already contacted (or have tried to) the immigration authorities. And you have definitely realized that you need professional assistance.