The new era of fast-track citizenship in the EU

In recent months, Bulgarian and EU citizenship were scrutinized by both the national and the EU authorities. And after the war in Ukraine started, things went bollocks.

Bulgarian citizenship for special merits

In the realms of the confrontation between Russia and the west, the term “special merits” got a new meaning. And with the EU investment citizenship being shot in the leg, the special merits route becomes one of the few feasible options.

Ukraine, USA, UK and partners

Many nationals, especially of “partner” countries like Ukraine, USA and the UK are now storming our offices in the hope to eventually get Bulgarian citizenship. Most of them have way too much of self esteem. But there are some that can indeed be of interest to the Bulgarian state. And this interest, in case all cards are played correctly, can easily transform to citizenship.

Please contact us for any questions you may have about obtaining Bulgarian citizenship for special merits.

You can read more about the Bulgarian citizenship by special merits option. For a premium service, usually utilized be prominent businessmen, we recommend you reading VD&A’s citizenship by merits webpage.

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