Българска виза за рускини

More and more Bulgarians meet Russian women on the Internet Over the past few years we have seen a trend of more and more dating between Bulgarian men and Russian girls on the Internet. The war between Russia and Ukraine has certainly given an extra push to many Russian citizensContinue Reading

visa extension Bulgaria (covid)

Flash news: Today the Bulgarian government extended the emergency covid state until 31.08.2021. In the meantime, we get more and more enquiries from foreigners in Bulgaria who are married with Bulgarian nationals. These foreigners have arrived in Bulgaria either visa-free (ie Americans, British, Canadians, etc.) or with a tourist visaContinue Reading

Bulgarian passport for Americans

American citizens have always been interested to obtain EU citizenship (but now the interest goes exponential) We and our citizenship by investment wing are experiencing an unprecedented interest from citizens of the USA about the revamped CIP. The amount of enquiries is such that we are considering opening a dedicatedContinue Reading

passports Bulgaria

Bulgarian citizenship applications – more rejections than approvals in 2021? Bulgarian citizenship applications are now massively rejected on all levels. The authorities in Bulgaria tend to think that the amount of approved citizenship applications has been too high already. And obviously, they are doing everything they can to rectify this.Continue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship for Americans

From Bulgarian citizenship by investment to citizenship by origin – US citizens are applying massively Why is all that rush to obtain Bulgarian citizenship Americans have always been a free-spirited people. And luckily for them, the US passport provides great deal of mobility and visa-free travel. But its just notContinue Reading

Bulgarian visa for Americans

The number of Americans applying for Bulgarian visa exceeds the number of Bulgarians who apply for US visas? This would have been a silly joke only few years ago. Not anymore. The economic boom in Bulgaria has led to many American willing to relocate to the country. We have alreadyContinue Reading